Hello Kitty Sweet, Happy, Fun Book!: A Sneak Peek Into Her Supercute World
From modest beginnings as a simple character sketch adorning t-shirts and schoolbags, Hello Kitty has become one of the world's most recognizable It” Girls. As a never-static status symbol, she has interpreted lifestyle trends for her vast audience of admirers in the form of irresistible clothing, accessories, stationery, candy, home furnishingseven jet airplanes.The Hello Kitty Sweet, Happy, Fun Book! features a collection of irresistible ephemera and art, allowing readers to learn the behind-the-scenes story of Hello Kitty and her vast, fanciful world. Alongside hundreds of images and seven interactive treasures, the liv
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Manufacturer: Running Press
Release date: 7 September 2010
ISBN-10 : 0762437707 | ISBN-13: 9780762437702
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Release date: 7 September 2010
ISBN-10 : 0762437707 | ISBN-13: 9780762437702

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