Franny And Zooey (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition)
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Franny and Zooey by Salinger
18 years, 7 months ago at Jul 30 22:40
For me, at least - this is the ultimate judge of character. Can you sympathize with Franny? Do you understand how the characters feel? Do you see the evils Salinger exposes? If you do, congratulations, you're alive. One of the true masterpieces in American literature.
Manufacturer: Turtleback
Release date: 1 May 1991
ISBN-10 : 080851900X | ISBN-13: 9780808519003
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Release date: 1 May 1991
ISBN-10 : 080851900X | ISBN-13: 9780808519003

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Kusse rated this 9/10 6 years ago
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"Luin tämän yhdeltä istumalta. Juurikin sellainen kirja, josta olisi mahtava keskustella muiden kanssa, koska jää vaivaamaan mieltä monitasoisuudellaan ja teemojen rikkaudellaan."