DEFIANCE is Savitri Devi's vivid and impassioned memoir of her arrest, trial & imprisonment on the charge of distributing National Socialist propaganda in Occupied Germany in 1949. In September of 1948, Savitri Devi entered Germany with 11,000 propaganda posters and leaflets condemning the Allies, proclaiming that Hitler was still alive and urging Germans to resist the occupation & await the Führer's return. It was a quixotic, futile gesture, born of a spirit of defiance & a thirst for martyrdom. For more than six months, Savitri Devi traveled throughout western Germany distributing thousands of posters and leaflets
DEFIANCE is Savitri Devi's vivid and impassioned memoir of her arrest, trial & imprisonment on the charge of distributing National Socialist propaganda in Occupied Germany in 1949. In September of 1948, Savitri Devi entered Germany with 11,000 propaganda posters and leaflets condemning the Allies, proclaiming that Hitler was still alive and urging Germans to resist the occupation & await the Führer's return. It was a quixotic, futile gesture, born of a spirit of defiance & a thirst for martyrdom. For more than six months, Savitri Devi traveled throughout western Germany distributing thousands of posters and leaflets, making contact with the underground network of faithful National Socialists & writing her book GOLD IN THE FURNACE. On the night of February 20-21, 1949, Savitri Devi was arrested in Cologne. She was tried in Düsseldorf on April 5, 1949 and sentenced to three years imprisonment. In prison Savitri Devi befriended a number of German female war criminals. She also completed GOLD IN THE FURNACE and continued work on her magnum opus, THE LIGHTNING AND THE SUN. Savitri Devi was released early from prison on August 18, 1949. DEFIANCE is Savitri Devi's most readable book. It is not primarily a work of philosophy or history, but a gripping first-person narrative that often reads like a novel. DEFIANCE does, however, contain Savitri Devi's most profound and moving philosophical meditation, "The Way of Absolute Detachment," in which she reflects on the teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita. Reading DEFIANCE, one quickly understands why the Allies imprisoned Savitri Devi and, once she was in prison, tried to keep her away from the other "political" inmates: her spirit of defiance is contagious. Until now, DEFIANCE has been almost impossible to find. This deluxe, illustrated, smyth-sewn paperback edition thus fills an important gap.
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Manufacturer: Imprint unknown
Release date: 17 July 2008
ISBN-10 : 0974626473 |
ISBN-13: 9780974626475
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