Children of God (Ballantine Reader's Circle)
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Not As Enjoyable
17 years, 5 months ago at Sep 25 11:33
2 votes
As the sequel to The Sparrow, this book is very different from the first one. This one is filled with more political machinations and personal intrigues. In the first book, there really were no "bad guys", and rotten things usually happened by mistake or bad luck. This book however had some completely immoral things happen with forethought and deliberately. Although the characters were still w... read more
Manufacturer: Ballantine Books
Release date: 2 February 1999
ISBN-10 : 044900483X | ISBN-13: 9780449004838
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Release date: 2 February 1999
ISBN-10 : 044900483X | ISBN-13: 9780449004838