Akhenaten's Egypt (Shire Egyptology)
very informative book for interested rea
17 years, 9 months ago at May 31 2:25
1 vote
Amenophis IV, also known as Akhenaten, worshiped the god Aten and banned all the others. He founded a new capital city, Akhetaten, now Tell el-Amarna. This short illustrated book provides details of Akhenaten's reign, that of his father Amenophis III, his wife Nefertiti and his daughters; it also discusses the religious and artistic beliefs of this period.A list of museums exhibiti... read more
Manufacturer: Shire Publications Ltd
Release date: 11 December 1988
ISBN-10 : 0852639732 | ISBN-13: 9780852639733
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Release date: 11 December 1988
ISBN-10 : 0852639732 | ISBN-13: 9780852639733