Arturo Martínez
Most popular
Most recent

1. The Black Scorpion (1957)
Rating: | 28 Watched |

2. Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy (1958)
Rating: | 22 Watched |

3. The Body Snatcher (1952) (1957)
Rating: | 5 Watched |

4. Time to Die (1966)
Rating: | 5 Watched |

5. La momia azteca (1957)
Rating: | 3 want to see |
View all Arturo Martínez movies (17 more)
Movies directed by
Most popular
Most recent

1. Leyendas macabras de la colonia (1974)
Rating: | 3 Watched |

2. No le saques, pos no le metas (1989)
Rating: | 1 Watched |

3. Contrabando y traición (1977)
0 want to see |

4. The Vampires of Coyoacan (1974)
0 want to see |

5. Rancho solo (1967)
0 want to see |
Movies written by

1. Leyendas macabras de la colonia (1974)
Rating: | 3 Watched |

2. Contrabando y traición (1977)
0 want to see |
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