Alan Chuntz
Alan Chuntz was born on April 21, 1927 in London, England. He is known for his work on Spies Like Us (1985), Der Tod lรคuft hinterher (1967) and Grand Slam (1978). He died on August 8, 2009.

Most popular
Top rated
Most recent

1. The Dirty Dozen (1967)
Rating: | 510 Watched |

2. Brannigan (1975)
Rating: | 43 Watched |

3. The Brides of Fu Manchu (1966)
Rating: | 27 Watched |

4. Cool It Carol! (1970)
Rating: | 2 want to see |
Most popular
Top rated
Most recent

1. Doctor Who (1963)
Rating: | 355 Watched |

2. The Avengers (1961)
Rating: | 172 Watched |

3. The Saint (1962)
Rating: | 82 Watched |

4. The Persuaders! (1971)
Rating: | 63 Watched |

5. Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em (1973)
Rating: | 45 Watched |
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