Not a bad film whatsoever, but very overrated. Yes, there's some fairly good actors, but it honestly still didn't help prevent this film from the 'dated' bug. It's such a film of it's time.
It only just got itself on the IMDb 250, but only just, and I'm pretty certain in a few years, it'll be off there for good. I think, in order to enjoy this more than I did, I think it would take me to 'like' these types of films, and, to be adapted to these times. I think after a while, you'll come to learn that it's not a brilliant film, and in parts is boring. Don't be afraid to say you don't like it or that it's overrated. Because it truly is. I think this is a prime example of people only saying they like this film, because it's a classic.
I think this film is aimed more at older couples, say 50 or over, not that it's a bad thing, but I think if a film is in the IMDb 250, I believe it should appeal to a variety of people. This film, doesn't accomplish that. It's not a film I'd watch again.
I'm giving it a 6, for now, but as time goes by, it might even drop to a 5.